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ICT Initiatives of MoE

ICT Initiatives of MoE


S.No. Resource For students/Researchers For Institutions
Audio-Video e-content
1 SWAYAM: Massive Open Online Courses

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Earn credit through online courses – Encourage your extraordinary faculty to develop online courses
– Accept credits awarded under SWAYAM
– Form SWAYAM local chapters
2 SWAYAMPRABHA: View digital courses on TV Watch high quality educational programs 24*7 Provide facility for viewing SWAYAMPRABHA content
Digital content: access journals and e-books
1 National Digital Library: e-content

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Access e-content on multiple disciplines – Get your E-content listed
– Form NDL Club
2 e-PG Pathshala: Gateway for e-books upto PG Get free books and curriculum-based e-content Host e-books
3 Shodhganga: A reservoir of Indian Theses Access Research Theses of scholars of Indian Institutes Get research theses of your scholars to get listed on Shodhganga
4 e-ShodhSindhu: e-journals Get access to full text e-resources Get access to full-text e-resources
Accelerated Hands on learning
1 e-Yantra: Engineering for better tomorrow

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Get hands on experience on embedded systems Create e-Yantra labs for training in embedded systems in collaboration with IIT Bombay
2 FOSSEE: Free/Libre and Open Source Software for Education

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– Access and volunteer for the use of open source software
– Become FOSSEE fellow
Run labs in open source
3 Spoken Tutorial: Tutorial in IT application

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Self-training in IT fields Encourage eminent faculty to provide training content for self-learning
4 Virtual Labs: Web-enabled experiments designed for remote – operation

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Try curriculum based virtual experiments Develop virtual experiments for Virtual labs suited to course curriculum in gap areas
5 National Internship Portal Internships for students & fresh Engineers Apprenticeship embedded courses
6 National Educational Alliance for Technology Portal developed for the learners Free seats for existing students of higher education from weaker sections of society
E – Goverenence
1 University Enterprise Resource Planning (SAMARTH)

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Student development Life Cycle E-Governance for Institutions/Universities
Track your progress
1 VIDWAN: Expert Database and National Research Network

IRINS: Indian Research Information Network System

Register on VIDWAN Get your faculty registered on VIDWAN
– Monitor research outcomes at different levels
2 Shodh Shudhhi (PDS): Plagiarism Detection Software

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Unique ideas, concepts and information without duplication. – Encourage original information by preventing plagiarism.
– Better research outcomes.
– Reputation of the institution/university.
3 Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) Student’s Academic Credit Repository Facility to Store, Transfer and Credit redemption
Note: For any queries/feedback kindly contact Smt. Pushpa Gautam at pushpa[dot]gautam70[at]nic[dot]in
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